
Ketamine Infusions

Ketamine Infusions services offered in Long Island, NY

Ketamine Infusions

For many, the traditional methods of treating post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and alcohol addiction don’t always work, but that doesn’t mean you have to deal with these conditions. At Ketalink Ketamine Center in Long Island, New York, we provide ketamine infusions. as an alternative solution to enhance your well-being. With the right medically supervised low doses, ketamine infusions can be positively transformative. Call Ketalink Ketamine Center or request an appointment online today.

Ketamine Infusions Q & A

What are ketamine infusions?

Ketamine has been FDA approved for use as an anesthetic agent for many years. Ketamine is an NMDA receptor antagonist that interacts selectively with key brain neurotransmitters. When ketamine binds to NMDA receptors, it increases the amount of glutamate in the brain. By doing so, ketamine can help increase neural communication to improve mood and reduce feelings of depression. Ketamine can also repair damage caused by cortisol and other long-term stress hormones that affect the brain’s communication system. 

Ketamine infusions are an FDA-approved treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and other symptoms and conditions.

Many people don’t respond well to oral antidepressants and pain relievers that often present concerning risks and side effects. Since 2000, ketamine infusions have been used as a safe, evidence-based, rapid-acting treatment to help manage symptoms and enhance patients' quality of life.

Ketamine was primarily used as a sedative and anesthetic in operating rooms and battlefields. The benefits of low-dose ketamine therapy for treating chronic pain, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other conditions are impressive, and the therapy is widely used today. Ketamine is so safe as an anesthetic that it’s often used in much higher doses for short procedures in children.

What can ketamine infusions treat?

Ketalink Ketamine Center offers ketamine infusions to help with:

  • Major depressive disorder (MDD)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Postoperative pain management
  • Chronic pain management
  • Neuropathy

Ketamine can also reduce signals involved in inflammation, which is associated with mood disorders.

Ketamine infusions don’t pose many risks and side effects of opioids, antidepressants, and other methods of managing pain and depression. The results are also quicker. For example, antidepressants can take eight to 12 weeks to be effective, but ketamine infusions often provide instant or quick benefits in days.

What can I expect during my ketamine infusion?

During your ketamine infusion at Ketalink Ketamine Center, you sit in a reclining chair connected to an IV. Your provider carefully administers a very low dose of ketamine for about 45 minutes. You can listen to music, read, or just rest during your infusion to make yourself more comfortable. Some infusions can last longer than 45 minutes, depending on the treated condition.

You might feel groggy following your infusion, so you must have someone drive you home. In most cases, the grogginess completely subsides within three hours. You might also feel mild dizziness or nausea for about an hour after your treatment.

Most people see an improvement in symptoms within one to three infusions.

Your Ketalink Ketamine Center provider can help determine whether ketamine infusions are right for you. Inquire about this excellent and innovative therapy by calling the office or booking an appointment online today.

Patient Reviews

This place is amazing. All the providers were informative and caring! Would definitely recommend to get treatment here for depression.

Bibi K. | May 08, 2024
Came to Ketalink as a recommendation from my therapist as nothing else was working for me. IV ketamine has been a game changer for me, a very positive and almost transcending experience I must say. The providers make a great team. They made sure I was comfortable every visit. Rooms are spacious, private and quiet. A perfect experience every time.

CHRISTINE L. | May 05, 2024